Our President, Colin Thorburn, who had just returned from Taiwan, gave a report on this year’s Taiwan International Orchid Show. This show is one of the ‘Big 4’ orchid shows along with the World Orchid Conference, the Japan Grand Prix Show and the Dresden Orchid Show. Running for 10 days it attracts many thousand visitors including buyers from around the world.
The theme for this year’s main display was ‘Orchid of Mirrors’ following the evolution of orchids from the Jurassic period to the present day and included moving dinosaurs!
The individual judging saw fewer plants staged than in previous years but still maintaining a high standard. Plants are judged for T.I.O.S rosettes and Taiwan Orchid Growers Association medal. The Grand Champion this year was a superb multi flowered Phalaenopsis Hwa Yuan Five Star ‘Five Star General’.
The Table Show top spot was shared between Joan and Jack Butcher’s Ascocentrum christensonianum, Bryan Adam’s Oncidium Tiger Crow ‘Golden Girl’ and Colin Thorburn’s Oberonia setigera.