September saw our first meeting at the Costessey Centre, our new venue. It was certainly a welcome change, with well lit car parking and a warm and comfortable meeting room.
The evening was given over to a presentation by Bryan Adams on ‘Repotting your Orchids. Every stage of the repotting process was explained and demonstrated which was very helpful to new growers and a reminder to those more experienced growers. Bryan kindly provided a copy of his notes together with links to suppliers of bark and other media .
The well supported table show was won by Ian Charlwood with a well grown plant of Cattleya bicalhoi, exhibited and commonly known as Laelia dayana. Both Kew and the RHS now accept that this species as belonging to the genus Cattleya. The single flower on Ian’s plant had purple-pink sepal and petal and a deep purple lip with a white centre marked with deep purple veins.